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About Me


Hi! I'm Amy Andrews

I'm a mom to two boys, and like so many, I struggled to find that work/life balance. Life's demands left me feeling overwhelmed and burned out.  We wear so many hats as the nurturer, the bread winner, the wife, the single parent, the taxi, the chef, the coach, and/or the teacher, etc. How can we accomplish all of this, focus on our health, AND find deeper meaning if we aren't taking care of ourselves? I no longer wanted to use caffeine or alcohol to help me get through the day. I wanted more. I was seeking truth and vitality through establishing closer to connection to God and spirituality. 

If you desire energy, joy, radiance, passion, play, and true connection, it's time to come back home to yourself. 
I'm a Reiki Master at Sound of Change, LLC and a certified Sound Therapist from The Center of Light Institute.  I'm the CEO and owner of the Vortex Center, LLC, which is a dance/yoga studio and a wellness center.  My wish is for everyone to tap into the wholeness of who they really are through deepening their connection with body, mind, emotions, soul, and spirit. A greater sense of ease can be yours. We are meant to be supported as we navigate life's challenges. I'm continuing on this path to healing and enlightenment. and I hope you'll join me on this journey!

My Journey

My life was filled with tragedy: sexual abuse, rape, abandonment, countless cheating partners, painful divorce, chronic fatigue, illness, pain, stiffness, inflammation, insomnia, addiction, and toxic codepency in relationships. I wondered why I kept attracting trauma into my life. I didn't know how to break the cycle. I was tiptoeing through life, running from fear and running from myself--not wanting to attract more attention and more trauma.

I was meant to meet that trauma head on--so that I can help you meet yours.

About Reiki

What is Reiki?

The act of laying hands on the human or animal body to comfort and relieve pain is as old as instinct. Reiki is a universal life force energy. Those who are attuned receive an increase in this life force energy or ki, and are connected to the source of all universal life force energy. This source can be described as God, Goddess, Source, Jesus, Higher Self, the Universe, or whatever can be termed primary creation or life energy. This life force energy is the source of life itself and far older in concept and fact than any religious philosophy. 

Healing means much more than healing the body, as the mind and the emotions must also be healed. Healing must also be spiritual.

Reiki Healing
sound bowls on floor.jpg

About Sound Healing

What is Sound Healing?

It is scientifically proven that we are 99.9999% nonphysical space, yet we tune into the 0.00001% physical matter that we can see and touch. The only thing that connects all things is space. The vibration of sound fills that space. It is why sound is so beneficial. Sound cascades through the space and into every cell of the body. 

When we hear notes at random, we activate the occipital region of our brain.

Playing crystal bowls awakens the crystalline structure of our bones and pineal gland.


Enter the state of spaciousness. We cannot hold tension or anxiety in open space.

All physical ailments have an emotional or mental root--even those that at face value were caused by accidents. Modern medicine does not always recognize this relation between the mind, emotions, and body.

With every physical manifestation of pain, there is an emotional component that often goes unchecked. We humans have gotten pretty good at treating the physical ailment or illness and hiding those emotions away. To leave out the mental and emotional dimension of physical ailment is to leave out a key component of healing.

Sound allows unresolved emotions to come forward, giving us the chance to heal emotionally. The faster we get the the emotional root, the faster the physical manifestation of illness or pain will resolve itself.   
In general, physical pain happens as a result of the repression, denial, avoidance, escapism of emotional and mental conditions over and over again. Through this process of repression, the mental and emotional issue is fed with energy until it manifests physically. Trauma and entanglements shape our view--until we meet these emotions head on to let them go.


By accessing altered states of consciousness, such as alpha and theta, we can reach an even deeper level of healing.  Our consciousness operates at different frequencies, which can be measured with an EEG machine. Alpha is known for creativity, problem solving, and for accelerated healing.

Scientists say that theta state gives you inspiration, Eureka moments, or insights to solve difficult problems.

While learning to conquer stress, we have the ability to tap into intuition, solve problems, and reach deep states of meditation to manifest a brighter future. 

Healing Stones

FREE Discovery Call

Find out how energy healing can help you get free of the past so you can step fully into the present and create the future you desire. 

I invite you to take the next step in your healing journey and book a FREE Discovery Call with me.


865 SE Court ST, Roseburg, OR 97470


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