Energy Healing
My sessions include a combination of reiki woven with sound therapy. I have a variety of Empyrean crystal singing bowls, as well as Tibetan bowls and handle bowls meant to be played on the body, and many other instruments that I bring into practice. My studies include working with binaural patterns to activate specific brainwaves for memory restoration, study, focus, deep meditation, and altering states of consciousness for a deeper level of healing. I also work with strengthening the aura, balancing the chakras, and clearing energy blockages in the body.
This can be used in conjunction with other alternative therapies. It takes into account the whole person and helps activate each patient’s natural healing processes as well as restoring their physical and emotional well-being.
Sound has the ability to penetrate the physical body, affecting every cell. What if we could reduce the resistance in our brains? Could our brains operate more efficiently? Moving into alpha and theta states is a way to reduce that resistance. There are over 15,000 studies today that show that being in a mindful or meditative state actually improves health and wellness.